Dalton Business Solutions REACH Case Study

Living the Dream; How a Mold-Breaking Digital Nomad is Making a Difference in Peoples Lives!

Business Coach and Relationship Specialist, Shirley Dalton and her photographer husband, Ross Dalton sold everything, invested in a motorhome and are living the dream, travelling Australia on a mission to help small business owners and their workers to create more harmonious and productive workplaces.

Several things set the Dalton’s apart from the usual image of digital nomads, firstly, digital nomads are perceived as young hipsters that refuse to be tied down or committed to anyone even to the extent they avoid relationships.

The Dalton’s on the other hand are a couple that have been married for 30 years, and are at the top of their professional game with more than 30 years’ experience in their respective fields.

Dalton Business Solutions REACH Case Study

One of my drivers is being able to improve the quality of life for small business owners, and to increase the productivity of their businesses.

An estimated 1 in 6 Australian workers experience mental health issues at one time or another, and approximately 33% of business owners cite stress as one of the biggest factors leading to lack of motivation for them.

According to Dalton, “Understanding yourself and others is one of the quickest ways to improve business and personal relationships, which in turn leads to increased harmony in the workplace which results in increased productivity and profitability. In fact, the majority of my time is invested in helping leaders and managers understand themselves and their people; to see things from another’s point of view.”

“Let’s be clear, it’s not about making others right or wrong. It’s about understanding ourselves and others and then learning and using some simple communication tools to enhance these relationships.

“One of the best tools I use is the REACH Ecosystem. REACH enables us to understand what is happening in an organization on three levels:

  • We get to know the personalities of our people and how to best interact and communicate with them
  • We gain valuable feedback for leaders through 360-degree questionnaires
  • And of course, most importantly we can measure the culture of an organization to identify what is working and not working and provide strategies to bridge the gap.”

“The REACH Ecosystem is a suite of tools accessed online tool that can be used by people anywhere, which has been a great enabler for me to live the nomadic lifestyle while still having a significant positive impact on the people and business owners I support. I have found REACH to be highly accurate and leads to some great teaching and coaching opportunities for clients who may be enrolled in my online membership community or individual coaching programs. We also include REACH in the free or low-cost presentations which we plan to provide for business owners and workers throughout Australia.”

“Working and travelling around Australia has been on my bucket list for over 30 years. I never imagined that waiting that long would actually enable me to develop my skills and expertize where I could make an even bigger difference, helping people who want to grow and who don’t have the time or resources to travel.”

Media Enquiries to:

Shirley Dalton 0407 119 884 or [email protected]

More information on the REACH Ecosystem can be found here.

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